[INDESCRIBABLE. YOU REMEMBER THINGS YOU NEVER SAID. THINGS YOU WANT TO SAY, YOU NEVER SAID.] Problem with the sickness is my brain/mind has some type of… uh… it’s a mollusc thing? That’s what they’re called, yes? Molluscs? Molluscks? I have a few screws loose, so parasites like that end up crawling in through the gaps. Then they lay their eggs, and then the eggs hatch, and their bodies (gooey) spread across the mind. Or brain. One of those, I forgot which one. Then they become adults and then– no, no. If they lay their eggs outside a human, then they become adults. Then they reproduce. My screws are permanently loose and even if I try to tighten them, it’s no use. They just don’t fit. It’s just something wrong, something wrong. Yet I am still loved. Something wrong wrong wrong and screws so loose, but still there is love, given by me and given to me. And the love that’s given TO me… miraculous, miraculous.
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Wonderful, wonderful, dadadaaa...
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[INDESCRIBABLE. YOU REMEMBER THINGS YOU NEVER SAID. THINGS YOU WANT TO SAY, YOU NEVER SAID.] Problem with the sickness is my brain/mind has some type of… uh… it’s a mollusc thing? That’s what they’re called, yes? Molluscs? Molluscks? I have a few screws loose, so parasites like that end up crawling in through the gaps. Then they lay their eggs, and then the eggs hatch, and their bodies (gooey) spread across the mind. Or brain. One of those, I forgot which one. Then they become adults and then– no, no. If they lay their eggs outside a human, then they become adults. Then they reproduce. My screws are permanently loose and even if I try to tighten them, it’s no use. They just don’t fit. It’s just something wrong, something wrong. Yet I am still loved. Something wrong wrong wrong and screws so loose, but still there is love, given by me and given to me. And the love that’s given TO me… miraculous, miraculous.